Chakra Clearing & Balancing Hypnosis Session (43 min)

Chakra Clearing & Balancing Hypnosis Session (43 min)

Regular price $44.44 $22.22 Sale

Chakra Clearing Hypnosis Session with Sound Bowl Healing


As we enter into today’s session, I want to teach you about the meridian points of energy in your body called “Chakras”. They are the points in which contain light and intelligence throughout your being in which are the essence of pure divine light energy. Everything in the universe carries a vibrational energy, including you.   The power in clearing and balancing your chakras, is that in doing so you will be able to clear the blocks to each part and area of your life that is opposing light energy and that may at times feel like a darkness of loom over that part of your life. Since we control our thoughts and how we feel, our energy centers are directly impacted through our concentration on various topics in our life. Today, we will be balancing our major chakras, spinning them back into a radiance to have them fulfill their course and cleanse any dirtiness that may have caused you to lose touch with the abundance, love, joy, energy, wisdom, and intuitive information that is already available to you so that you can discern information about yourself, your future and tap in and tune into the voice of your angels and God, feeling the natural magical guidance of the Universe.


In today’s 43 min, session we will be CLEARING:


  1. In the CROWN CHAKRA: Unspiritual blocks, Rigidness, over analytical nature and spiritual obsessions, anger at our creator, God, un forgiveness, unconsciousness, fear of trusting the divine


  1. In the THIRD EYE CHAKRA: Unrealistic expectations, paranoid feelings, indecisiveness, poor sense of self, unfocused energy, reluctance to see the future, past visions that frightened you, limiting beliefs about being in tune with spirits


  1. In the THROAT CHAKRA: Introverted nature, soft spoke-ness, domineering, over-revealing, speaking your truth, under communication, lack of asking for needs to be met


  1. In the HEART CHAKRA: Distance, critical nature of others, smothering, selfish behaviors, enviousness, negative feelings over relationships, blocked energy to the love of God and the universe, over dependency, people attachments, addictions, obsessions, un-forgiveness to self and others and or deceased


  1. In the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Passive nature, self consciousness, overly aggressiveness, hunger for power, arrogance, authoritarian nature, overly needing power, fears concerning control


  1. In the SACRAL CHAKRA: Unemotional, disconnected, overly-emotional, unusual attachments to people and or things, unbalanced cravings for physical pleasures such as food, drinking, sex, thrill seeking, addictions, drugs, substances, body weight, lack of exercise, downward appearance


  1. In the ROOT CHAKRA: Nervousness, Fearful tendencies, impatience, greed, financial pressures, career blockages and concerns, not enough, home and stability, feelings of lack of safety, home clutter affecting feng shui, fear of moving homes and or obsessing over new home



In today’s Session we will be BALANCING and ENHANCING:


  1. In the CROWN CHAKRA: Creativity, Inspiration, Self- Knowledge, union with your higher Self, artistic talents, purity of inspiration, a clear knowing, inventions
  1. In the THIRD EYE CHAKRA: Guidance from true self, self responsibility, enriching everything you think, feel, and do, intuition, mysticism, understanding, self responsibility, psychic powers, connecting to physical life, imagination
  1. In the THROAT CHAKRA: Knowledge, Self-expression, speech, communication, spirit of truth, spirit of purpose, decisiveness, health, true communication, projects, singing, writing, artistic works, teaching, work, audiences, employers
  1. In the HEART CHAKRA: Love, kindness, Self Control, self love, unconditional love, wholeness, nurture, loving relationships, God love, Universal Love, Self harmony, Connection, Family harmony
  1. In the SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: Wisdom, creativity, self esteem, clarity, personal power, self worth, positive confidence, proactive, healthy risks, clarity of thoughts, stimulate curiosity
  1. In the SACRAL CHAKRA: Happiness, Resourcefulness, Success, emotional stimulant, managed emotions, sexual connection, confidence in expression, self respect, passion
  1. In the ROOT CHAKRA: Self Awareness, Confidence, Courage, Power from Mother Earth, connection to physical body and life vitality, physical well being, physically secure, claiming place on earth.



You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.