Authentic Self Open Vulnerability Hypnosis Session  (10 min)

Authentic Self Open Vulnerability Hypnosis Session (10 min)

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Authentic Self Open Vulnerability Hypnosis Session w/ Binaural Beats 


Vulnerability is a sign of courage through which the openness to be able to consciously express and communicate authentically can yield many results for the participant engaging in doing so.  The desirous capability is representative as a deep core human need in being understood and accepted.  A huge benefit of this cognition is the awareness of the variation of one's own emotional scales which can provide deep genuineness as a communication tool with ourselves and others.  Paradoxically though it can also simultaneously be something that provokes fear cycles in many trigger fight/flight syndromes causing the opposite to happen and a complete silence to take place. 


Our psyche on an unconscious level decides how our memories are stored and how they are filtered through in the recollection of memories which often times creates embedding of added states of contemplation because of the distortion.  It's like trying to recall every scene in a movie.  It just becomes that much more difficult each time, and even so, when the movie is revisited other scenes are picked up on instead via pattern recognition.  This happens in all of  our past experiences.  You can imagine how what happens in the mind of a person that has a filtration of memories distorted with fear and rejection, pain, hurt and sadness when trying to openly express themselves that have endured through such hardships in future situations.  Their subconscious minds alarm the situation as fearful creating a shut down.  A repression.  A closed off willingness to be outright and share because of deep scrutinizing.  This can be extremely hindering and hurtful for all parties involved and cause many breakdowns in connection. 


In today's hypnosis session, that's why I have created a bite size session to guide you through the subconscious mind in what are beginning cycles of suggestion patterns that with binaural beats will help you in a lot of future situations to be able to bypass this deep need of self preservation that the unconscious mind signals.  In doing this, we will be instilling confidence cycles to know that you are safe to openly and authentically express yourself drawing more layered focus and attention to acceptance in unconscious environmental surroundings inviting you to do so.  In turn, my intention is to help you grow in your ability to be able to be even more of yourself and to slowly but surely gift yourself the present of truthful expression. 


You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.