Craving Health & Fitness Hypnosis Session (20 min)

Craving Health & Fitness Hypnosis Session (20 min)

Regular price $33.33 $22.22 Sale

Craving Health and Fitness Hypnosis Session

One big defeating force that steers us away from fulfilling our health goals and determined focus have everything to do with stubborn cravings. As we have all identified a craving is something that creates a deep internal desire. The types of foods that we are craving tend to be the problem when striving for fitness goals if they aren’t aligned with what creates results in our bodies! Transformation and empowerment will be primary focus in today’s hypnosis session.


In this 20 min session:

We will be removing judgment and criticism to get back to the sensation of internal strength.


You can expect to create a deep state of relaxation while we:


-Move you back into a state of self-respect

-A deep sense of motivation and inspiration.

-A sense of certainty and control

-An internal conversation with your body that align with health

-An intuitive connection with your body

-Use the body’s radar to restore through breathing

-Dissolving heaviness down to the cellular level

-Tuning into inner wisdom of feeling in alignment with long term health

-Leaning, slimming, shaping, and toning the body

-Natural rhythms of the body to crave intuitive healthy eating

-Slow savoring of food

-Shedding of excess weight

-Releasing opposition of self

-Restoring balance

-Tuning into the emotions of the soul

-Associate desire to ideal portions and ideal foods

-Remove obstacles from the body

-Blocking of the mind and body from going back to old versions of self

-Overcoming past defeat

-Enhancing the relationship with your fitness performance

-Experiencing true self love and pride of self

-Passionate excitement for health

-Alignment with food choices

-Happiness and joy in experiencing profound attachment to exercise


As a natural by product, in today’s session, we will be creating a vibrant subconscious circulation that illuminates health on a profound level for you.   Your body has a powerful way to intuitively being able to guide you to the foods that resonate with health, even though it may have not been something you were accustomed to in the past.   Through today’s session, the highest vibration in the body will crave the most attractive version of you so rightfully choosing the willing path that result in a healthier body, a fulfilling feeling and deep craving for transformation in health and fitness breaking free from old struggle cycles.


You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.