Unstoppable Confidence Hypnosis Sound Bowl Session (36 min)

Unstoppable Confidence Hypnosis Sound Bowl Session (36 min)

Regular price $33.33 $22.22 Sale

Dynamic Unstoppable Confidence in College


As you move through your schooling years, your “confidence” will be something that is crucial in that of differentiating yourself from the masses and creating success. This is a unique personal code that you can tap into and utilize no matter what your up brining has been and or your past experiences, through NLP, which is Nuero Linguistics Programming. You can learn to embody the behaviors of confident people and engrain them no matter what! To have confidence in relationships, communication, public speaking, networking, studying, creating content, and taking tests is extremely useful to the overall success of college experience which carries out into the world after and in this session today, we will be guiding you through to enhance this to be felt deeply.



In today’s 36 min Hypnosis Guided Sound Bowl session we will help the subconscious mind and guide it to:


  • Why confidence matters :

*Taking Tests, Relationships, Networking, Enhanced Life Skills, Attracting more opportunities, being a Thought Leader on Campus and in your Community, Preparing for the Career and or Business of Your Dreams, Communicating your Visions and Knowledge Effectively


**Reminder of what makes you unique :


  1. Your talents
  2. Your characteristics
  3. Your energy
  4. Your vision
  5. Your ability to go above and beyond
  6. Your attitude


  • The soul energy and the imprint you leave on others– raising your energetic vibration -


  • 9 factors in creating unstoppable confidence :
  1. experience
  2. perception
  3. decisiveness
  4. internal voice of empowerment
  5. goals
  6. action
  7. motivation
  8. momentum
  9. commitment


  • Confidence and patience through the process
  • Awareness of your language to self –positive frame of mind
  • Destroying un-supportive belief structures
  • Act as if - Step into the State- Change Your State
  • Overcoming Challenges



We will be releasing in this session:


  • Fear of change
  • Fear of the unkown
  • Fear of Success
  • Fear of Failure
  • Old Negative language to self
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Comparison to others
  • Perfectionism Syndrome



Techniques we will be using in this session through embedded NLP techniques will be:


  • Overview Movie Confidence
  • The instant Shift in Confidence
  • Anchoring to a Resourceful Confidence State
  • Matching and Mirroring Confidence
  • Life Perspective Confidence
  • Borrowing Confidence from a Role Model
  • Swishing Away from Shyness


The main feelings we will be instilling in today’s session is:


  • Confidence
  • Self Love
  • Approval
  • Care
  • Relief
  • Happiness
  • Curiosity
  • Joy
  • Determination
  • Passion


You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.