Motivation to Healthy Eating Hypnosis Session (22 min)

Motivation to Healthy Eating Hypnosis Session (22 min)

Regular price $33.33 $22.22 Sale

Basic Motivation Pattern Towards Healthy Eating


  • In this 22 minute Hypnosis session we are going to be embedding a basic motivation pattern through Hypnosis and NLP to create strong associations to “begin”. Often times, we wait until the time is just “right” and or the perfect time arrives to get started on eating healthy and moving towards the right direction in healthy habits, and the truth is there is no better time to start than, today, and now. We will be steering clear of perfectionism here and moving into a something versus nothing is better attitude. Steps taken are better than stagnation.


We will be focusing on finding creative solutions to:


  • Overcome obstacles
  • Image the key achievements being accomplished
  • Engraining the Key Feelings that come attached to that achievement
  • Expecting the obstacles with a foreshadowing and moving past them
  • Focusing on learning the cycles of the body with a mindfulness in eating
  • Comparing how you feel when you are on track versus off track and correlating a desire to the feeling of successful practices
  • Consistency being a staple to healthy daily habits that reap visible results in energy, the body shaping, and mindful clarity, and emotional well-being.


The feelings and characteristics we will be engraining in this session are:


  1. Confidence
  2. Follow through
  3. Discipline
  4. Gratitude
  5. Happiness
  6. Self Love
  7. Excitement
  8. Peace


You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.