Activating Subconscious Mind Ideas Hypnotherapy Session (21 mins)

Activating Subconscious Mind Ideas Hypnotherapy Session (21 mins)

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Activating Subconscious Mind Ideas Hypnosis Session (21 mins)

 In today's session, I guide you to activating the power you have on an unconscious level to open your mind to generating even more new ideas through tapping into an accessible storage of information you have in your subconscious mind. 


Your subconscious mind has the power to consume information and process the understandings through filters of experience and acquired knowledge to create contrasting comparisons.  These are the generation of ideas which can help any individual not only in being more open to engaging in more powerful conversations, though also in being able to formulate quality questions that stimulate the subconscious mind to find answers.  The quality of these questions that a person engages in provokes an platform for solutions to created and expressed.  

The more a person becomes conditioned to capturing the ideas as they come, the more the brain is conditioned in a response cycle of pleasure to upkeep the creation of ideas because of the direct correlated usage.  In synergy to this session it's encouraged to read books, listen to podcasts, engage in different social circles, keep a journal, surf ideas on the web, meditate, listen to this session, and practice stream of consciousness exercises to help stimulate even more ideas.  Enjoy your learning process and enjoy your creative process even more! 


You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.