Spirit Animal Eagle Communication Hypnosis Session (7 min Series)

Spirit Animal Eagle Communication Hypnosis Session (7 min Series)

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Spirit Animal Eagle Communication Hypnosis Session
(7 min Series) 
We as spiritual beings, have the ability to enhance our intuition and connection to our inner being through animal guide communications.  The eagle animal conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; it is man's connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. ... If eagle has appeared, it bestows freedom and courage to look ahead. The eagle is symbolic of the importance of honesty and truthful principles. In a ceremonial calling of tapping into your animal guides, you you can create a communication of connection to Spirit to have a deeper connection to your life force. 
In today's 7 min series hypnosis session, I will be guiding you through a heartfelt connection to manifest the communication to a deeper part of your inner being to create a pathway to divine intelligence within you through your subconscious mind.  As you continue in the journey, you  can begin to shape the state of the dream cycles and intuition through continued nightly usage creating a sense of intuitive  communication to the life force through you and around you. 

You will be listening to this session with headphones or having the session play on speaker phone with a soft volume adjustment near your ears or in your ears nightly! Stay consistent in your practice so that you can have benefits from your subconscious mind! Enjoy and please email me with feedback on your progress and or topics you would want sessions made on if you can't book personal sessions!


Love and Light,

Alta Lainez C.Ht.